Saturday, June 27, 2009

Web 2.0 Tools

I'm finding that there are a wide variety of web based tools available to teachers for use with students.  I will definitely share Doink with the art teachers within my district.  I think the incorporation of an animation unit might be very interesting for the students.  Also, I think Sketchup has some strong possibilities for use in the classroom. Last school year I had offered a Google Earth staff development course that teachers showed strong interest in.  I'm toying with the idea of part 2 being Sketchup.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Investigating Web 2.0 Tools

This blog was initially created as part of a Web 2.0 course that I am taking.  The next activity we're participating in is to investigate 2 - 3 web 2.o tools.  Since a good portion of my position is support for classroom teachers, I've chosen to investigate:
  • Prezi
  • Capzles
  • Sketchup
  • Doink 
  • Swivel
Okay, I know that's five, but I couldn't settle on just three and will probably look into more than five!  More to follow...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Surprised But Not

Well it's official.  Jon and Kate are splitting up.  While I wasn't surprised by the announcement (it had been speculated for quite some time) I was surprised by the presence the show has on the web.  Besides a web site that now seems required for all television shows, Kate maintains her own blog. Visitors were encouraged to leave positive comments of support for poor Kate. 

It dawned on me that we need to teach children how to operate within the ever-expanding cybercommunity that they now exist within. Just because you CAN blog about the demise of your marriage, should you?  What is private and what should be opened for public viewing? At what age do we begin to discuss with our students where to draw the line between public display and privacy?  I don't have the answer, but I'm sure my level of comfort will be much different than their own.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Better Searching

I had the opportunity to attend an Apple sponsored workshop today on creating technology infused lessons. We took some time to discuss teaching students how to search effectively online. As a rule, students will use only a key word search resulting in far too many results to be effective. Advanced searching should be taught earlier during the research process.  It was suggested that third grade might be a good time for introducing advanced searching. The following website provides some good information--

Sunday, June 21, 2009

In the Beginning

This blog is being created in part to fulfill a course requirement.  However, it is an activity that I have been quite interested in pursuing.  I hope to explore topics related to integrating technology into grades K - 8 curriculum.